Salaam and here is a special article on the Holy Qur’an, which as the Revealed Word of God to His Last and Greatest Messenger, Prophet Mohammad (SAWA), is indeed the Harbinger of Unity.
The holy Qur’an was revealed to Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) over a period of 23 years for the guidance of all humanity. The Prophet practically demonstrated how to live in peace and harmony, by obeying the commandments of God, abstaining from sins, and striving for material development and spiritual perfection. Following the passing away of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA), discord and disputes emerged. In other words, despite God’s commandments Islamic unity and brotherhood was badly damaged by the actions of certain elements. Ayah 10 of Surah Hujurat says:
"The faithful are indeed brothers. Therefore make peace between your brothers and be wary of Allah, so that you may receive [His] mercy."
Unity can be considered as a thread which keeps the rosary beads bound together, and if the thread is broken, the beads will be scattered. In the holy Qur’an, God Almighty has stressed unity among Muslims in order to build the progressive society. Without unity there would be no social security and no political stability. The last Divine Book also emphasizes that the most important goal of unity in every society is to safeguard peace and security by avoiding war and bloodshed. Unity strengthens the sense of friendship and reciprocal cooperation and removes all social seditions resulting from selfish motives such as ethnic or class superiority.
The holy Qur’an says in ayah 103 of Aal-e Imran:
"And remember Allah’s blessing upon you when you were enemies, then He brought your hearts together, so you became brothers with His blessing. And you were on the brink of a pit of Fire, whereat He saved you from it. Thus does Allah clarify His signs for you so that you may be guided."
In this ayah, the holy Qur’an refers to discord as brink of a pit of fire.
Among the other impacts of unity is the strengthening of the bases of the society. When the community avoids disputes, hearts are brought together and ranks are consolidated, thereby preventing the enemy from infiltrating. For this reason, the holy Qur’an warns of the dangers of dispute in part ayah 46 of Surah Anfal, saying:
"And do not dispute, or you will lose heart and your power will be gone."
According to the holy Qur’an, unity is the factor of solidarity and victory as a result. It refers to certain factors for unity and calls on Muslims to fulfill them. The most important factor of unity is to have a single objective. Therefore the holy Qur’an calls on Muslims to firm up their faith in Islam and fulfill Islamic duties as the most important objective. Another factor of unity is self-purification. The holy Qur’an encourages Muslims to strengthen unity through piety and self-purification by avoiding evil characteristics such as jealousy, pride, hatred, and backbiting that create differences and sow discord among people. The holy Qur’an goes on to place emphasis on munificence, charity, goodwill, discipline and other virtues that are definitely factors of unity. The persons who do good to others and help the needy actually pave the way for unity. The message of the Book of God is clear. The enemy does not sit idle and schemes to exploit the weak points of Muslims in order to split their ranks. In today’s world, the growing number of Muslims, who are estimated to number over 1.7 billion, has led to unprecedented progress of some Muslim states, especially Islamic Iran. This has alarmed global arrogance, which is scheming to intensify differences among the Muslims. It has focused on groups such as the Wahhabis and Takfiris, whose prime goal is to create disability in Muslim states by branding the rest of the Muslims as infidels.
Wahabbism has now become a handy tool for the West and the Zionist entity to strike Islam from within. This deviated grouplet pays no attention to the explicit commandments of God on unity, and helps the enemies of Islam by killing Muslims. It was through bloodshed that the Wahhabis, with the help of the British colonialists, seized power in the Arabian Peninsula in the late 1920s and early 1930s by establishing Saudi Arabia. With the oil money at their disposal they are now savagely killing Muslims in Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Lebanon, and other parts of the Islamic world. This grouplet refuses to reflect on the Qur’anic ayahs, and by turning away from the path of the Prophet’s Ahl al-Bayt, has actually deprived itself of reason and rationality. This weakness of the Takfiris is being exploited by the US, Britain, and Israel, which are using the huge wealth of Saudi Arabia to promote terrorism in Muslim states. In such circumstances, it is only unity and brotherhood among Muslims which can save the Ummah. The first and foremost factor is to ponder deeply on the meaning and purport of the Words of God Almighty in the holy Qur’an. In order to create a united Muslim Ummah and revive the glory and power of the Islamic world, unity should be our prime goal. The Father of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini (may God bless his soul) by pointing out to the ayah of the holy Qur’an that says: "Hold fast, all together, to Allah’s cord, and do not be divided [into sects]," used to say disobedience of this divine instruction is a sin. If countries and governments want to achieve victory and Islamic objectives, they should keep unity among themselves and refrain from differences.
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