معرفی اسلام واقعی - introducing the true Islam

انشاالله این سایت در جهت معرفی اسلام حقیقی باشد.

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Ghadir Khum- Introduction

Ghadir Khumm is one of the most important events in the history of Islam that took place in the final days of the blessed life of the Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH). On the glory of this day it suffices to say that the Almighty God says: “This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion.”

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Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.)

11rd Shiite Imam

Birth & Childhood

When he was born his father said that it was an order from the prophet (pbuh) that he should be named Hasan. It was so well known that the last Imams father would be called Hasan that people had previously looked for the 12th Imam amongst the sons of Imam Hasan Mujtaba (pbuh)

His mother was Sulail (or Hudaitha) who was a slave of the 10th Imam whom he had freed and subsequently married. The 10th Imam said of her that she was one who was free from all vice and pollution and that she was one of the righteous ones. After the 11th Imam's martyrdom he left all the "orders" of Imamate with her (his mother).

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Imam Hadi (A.S.)

Imam Hadi (AS)

10rd Shiite Imam

Imam Ali Al-Naqi (A.S.) known as Hazrat Hadi was born in the mid of ZilHajj, 212 Hijrah in the vicinity of Madina, at a place known as Surya.

His father is Imam Javad (A.S.) his mother Samana was a maid with excellence, virtue and piety. Imam (A.S.) got the post of Imamate after the martyrdom of his father in the year 220 Hijrah.

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Imam Javad (A.S.)

9rd Shiite Imam

Name: Muhammad
Title: At-Taqi and Al-Jawad
Nickname: Abu Ja'far
Born: Friday 10th of Rajab 195 A.H., at Medina
Father's Name: Ali ibn Musa
Mother's Name: Khaizaran
Died: At the age of 25 years, at Kazimayn, on 220 AH. Poisoned by Mu'tasin the Abbaside Caliph
Buried: in Kazimayn,Bagdad.

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beautiful music for Imam Mahdi

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All my life belongs to Mahdi

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The Concept of Messiah in Islam

Islam, being the youngest of the three great revealed religions, shares many ideas and concepts with Christianity and Judaism because the origin of all three religions is the same God. One of those ideas is that of messianism, the idea of expecting someone who will came as the saviour to establish the Kingdom of God on earth.

let us briefly look at the concept of messiah in Islam.

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Imam Reza (A.S.)

8rd Shiite Imam

Imam Reza (A.S) – the eighth Imam of Shi'it, Muslims-was born on 11th Zee-al Qa`dah, 148A.H, in the city ofMedina. His first name was Ali, and Abu al-Hasan was his nickname. Reza was the holy title of His Holiness. He was brought up and instructed by his affectionate father under whose supervision he passed his boyhood and youth. He availed himself of the instructions of his learned father for thirty one years till the later was taken toBaghdad to suffer the hardship of imprisonment for four years till his death. He was 35 years old when he was appointed as the Holy Imam (religious leader of Muslim community) by order of His honorable father-Imam Musa Ibn Jafar.

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Human Rights in Islam : Fair Treatment of Enemy

imam ali (a.s)

In the Battle of Jamal, when the people of Basra were defeated and escaped away, the soldiers of Islam followed them. Amidst the fight and flee a pregnant woman from Basra was struggling hard to escape. She fell on the ground and died along with her instantly born child. When they reported this touching incident to Imam Ali (A.S), he became very upset. The Imam summoned his husband. In his presence, Imam Ali (A.S) asked the witnesses:
- Who died first, mother or the child?
- They said: New born child died earlier.
The Imam issued the following order:
“Pay two-third of the blood money for the child and half of the blood money of the woman to her husband, and one-third of the blood money of the child and half of the blood money of the woman to her relatives.”1
Although the people of Basra set up an uprising and killed 500 companions of Imam Ali (A.S) before the breakout of war, they were defeated. Although the defeated armies and people in all wars are not given any rights and choice, Imam Ali (A.S) who is a perfect example of humanity, observed the rights of his enemies and became upset with such an incident as the death of a woman and her child at war.

The above incident indicates that Islam respects the rights of the defeated enemy and instructs Muslims to treat the enemy fairly.

Source: http://english.tebyan.net/

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Imam Kadhim (A.S.)

Celebrating Imam Kadhim Birthday

7 Safar is an auspicious day. It was on this day that the 7th infallible Imam of the Prophet"s Household was born in the city of Abwa between Mecca and Medina in the year 128 AH (745 CE).

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Imam Sadiq (A.S.)

He was born in Medina in the year 83 A.H and he died in Rajab in the year 148 A.H. at the age of 65. He was buried in the cemetery of Baqi' alongside his father, his grandfather and his (great-great) uncle. His mother was Umm Farwa, the daughter of Qasim bin Muhammad bin Abi Bakr. His Imamate lasted for thirty-four years. His father, Imam Mohammad Baqir (pbuh), clearly gave him the trusteeship of the Imamate and gave him an explicit designation for the Imamate.

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Imam Baqir (A.S.)

Imam Muhammad al-Baqir was born at Medina on Tuesday, 3rd Safar, 57 A.H. His mother was the daughter of Imam Hasan. Thus Imam Muhammad al-Baqir combined in himself the families of Imam Hasan and Imam Husayn.
Imam Muhammad al-Baqir became imam after his father in 96(/95) A.H. He is said to have been very learned, and many of his sayings are reported. Because of his vast knowledge, he was given the title of al-Baqir, which means 'the exponder of knowledge'.

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Who was Prophet Muhammad

Muhammad was born in the city of Makkah in the year 570 A.D.  Since his father died before his birth and his mother shortly afterwards, his uncle from the respected tribe of Quraysh brought him up.

As he grew older, he became known for his truthfulness, generosity and sincerity such that he was sought after for his ability to arbitrate in disputes.  The historians describe him as calm and meditative.

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Imam Sajjad (A.S.)

The 5th of Sha'ban, in the year 38 after Hejira marks the birth anniversary of Imam Ali ibn Hussein, Zainu'l-Abedin (AS).

Like his grandfather, Zainu'l-Abedin (AS) was busy cultivating land and palm-date orchards. He offered two raka'ts of prayer near each palm-date tree. During the prayers he would get he so absorbed that he did not have any attention towards anything but God. He traveled from Medina to Mecca twenty times on foot. He continuously guided people through the melody of Qur'anic verses.

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Imam Mahdi, We Await You

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