Prophet Muhammad (S.) said: "There is no person who does not have the obligation of doing charity every day that the sun rises." Whereupon he was asked: "0 messenger of God, where from would we get something to give in charity (so often)?" The Holy Prophet replied: "Indeed the gates to goodness are many: glorifying God, praising Him, magnifying Him, saying "There is no god but Allah", enjoining the good and forbidding the wrong, removing (any source of harm from the road, listening to the aggrieved, guiding the blind, showing the seeker his need, striving as far as your two legs could carry you and with deep concern to give succour to him who asks, carrying with the strength of your arms (the burdens of) the weak. All these are acts of charity which are an obligation on you." And he added: "And your smiling in the face of your brother is charity, your removing of stones and thorns from people"s paths is charity, and your guiding a man gone astray in the world is charity for you.
Arabic Qur'an can only be beneficial for the Arabs””this allegation could have been true had Allah only sent a book. But the reality is that Allah sent the book together with a guide.
Lessons from the use of the Qur'an by Muslims who wish to profit from it whenever sanctimoniousness increases and it becomes fashionable to display one's piety. Excerpted from Polarization around the Character of Ali ibn Abi Talib.
If the solar system is working regularly, if the stars are revolving around the sun systematically and if there is no flaw in this function for millenniums it is only due to the fact that the solar system is based on order. Order is found in everything around us from the largest bodies of the universe to the minutest thing called ‘atom’. Everything in this world is made up of tiny atoms. A wonderful discipline is in action and it is seen in each and every movement of the universe. There are tiny atoms in every system.